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This site was last updated on October 21, 2023 09:13:13

Explorer Application

Medical Form

~Current Explorer List~
Name: Sign Up Date:
Captain Brenden Ethington July 28, 2015
Eric Melen June 17, 2017
Micah Kingen April 8, 2018
Gabby Robison May 6, 2018
Collin Diekman January 23, 2019
Christian Thrushman January 23, 2019
Total Explorers = 9
Adult Advisor List 2017:
Lieutenant Rob Fitzpatrick Executive Contact
Chief Dave Plumb Committee Chairman
Firefighter Ryan Spillane Lead Advisor
Lieutenant Walt Melen Associate Advisor
Skyler Pierce  Committee Memeber

For copy of the Explorer Post 41 Standard Operating Procedures, CLICK HERE

2020 Training
Date/Time Station/Topic
3/15/20 @ 1300 Station1/Search & Rescue
4/26/20 @1300 Station1/Hose Loads & Stretches
5/24/2020 @ 1300 Station 2/Ventilation
6/21/2020 @ 1300 Station1/Fire Behvior
7/26/2020 @ 1300 Station1/Waterball & Hose Streams
8/23/2020 @1300 Station 2/Forcible Entry
9/20/2020 @ 1300 Station1/Extrication

10/25/2020 @ 1300

Station1/Tools and Pumps

11/08/2020 @ 1300


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Visit the Learning for Life, Explorer's Page by clicking on the graphic below

The Tall Pine Council oversees the Explorer Program.  Click on the image below to visit the web site.

Many Explorers have become members of area fire departments in one capacity or another. Although not all of them are still part of an organized fire department, the fact that they immediately became an active member says a lot about the organization.
They are:
Larry Allen, Patrick Hart, Daniel Williams, LeAnn Ostyn, Keith Hawkins, Valerie King, Dawn King, David Plumb, Jeremy McNamara, Jeff Kelley, Bob Ownsby, Michael Onore, Shane Doyan, David Nordman, Timothy Vesper, Ronald Mills Jr., Stephen Tabit, Richard Molina, Dale Flowers, Jason Morey, Paul Smiljanich, John Lovelace, Darren Corcoran, Douglas Hubbell, Patrick Busch, Michael George, Larry Mark, Brian Kump, David Derby, Nicholas Funk, Lou Ann Cole, Danielle Gilbank, Kevin Harmes, Jeff Kelley, Joshua Brewbaker, Caleb Derby, Rob Fitzpatrick, Joel Derby, Tony Simpson, Andrew Ringwelski, Mark Merriam, Brett Beckley, Daniel Merriam, Austin Bower, Sedrick Fornari, Blake Lakies, Sedrick Fornari, Joshua Hect, Dominic Fornari, Sawyer Tabit
Total individuals that became a Firefighter after quitting = 50

Explorer Post 41 has been a part of the Swartz Creek Area Firefighters, Inc., since the middle 1980's. For a short time, in the early 90's, the Explorer program wasn't active. However in 1994, it was realized how important the program was to the SCAFD, and was re-started. With the financial help of the Swartz Creek Area Firefighters, Inc., the group re-organized itself and has been self-sufficient ever since.

The Explorer Program is a vocationally oriented division of the Boy Scouts of America, Learning for Life Division It is open to young people ages, 14-21, that have graduated from the 8th grade, who are interested in exploring future career opportunities. Post 41 is sponsored and run by the Swartz Creek Area Firefighters, Inc, but any post can be established and be sponsored and run by any, public or private, organization or company. The sponsors provide a meeting place and skilled advisors to run the post.



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