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This site was last updated on January 19, 2025 10:26:20

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99-15 Alarm Comparison by month & year
99-15 Statistics by Category

Abbreviations List:
AMA = Automatic Mutual Aid
CTPD = Clayton Township Police Dept
CE = Consumers Energy
DEQ = Department of Environmental Quality
FF = Firefighters that responded
FFD = Flushing Fire Dept
FTFD = Flint Township Fire Dept
GCRC = Genesee County Road Commission
GTFD = Gaines Township Fire Dept
IC = Incident Command
MDOT = Michigan Department of Transportation
MSP = Michigan State Police
MTFD = Mundy Township Fire Dept
MMTFD = Mt. Morris Township Fire Dept.
Ofr = Officers that responded
PDA = Property Damage Accident
PI = Personal Injury
POV = Personal Owned Vehicle
PPV = Positive Pressure Ventilation
RIT = Rapid Intervention Team
S = Station (1=Station 1, 2=Station 2, B=Both stations)
SCAFD = Swartz Creek Area Fire Dept
SCBA = Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
SC-DPS = Swartz Creek Dept of Public Services
SCPD = Swartz Creek Police Dept
TI = Thermal Imager
USAR = Urban Search and Rescue
VTFD = Venice Township Fire Dept
(C) = Command (R) = Report

Category Number Definitions:
1 = Structure fires or alarms dispatched as such with AMA received
2 = AMA given to Flushing
3 = AMA given to Gaines Township
4 = AMA given to Venice Township
5 = Mutual aid responses not involving AMA
6 = Vehicle fires & those out on arrival
7 = Vehicles fires deemed false (no fire)
8 = Misc. minor fires
9 = Grass and/or brush fires
10 = Open burns
11 = Smoke investigations
12 = Fire alarms (false, unfounded, burnt food)
13 = Vehicle extrications, entrapments
14 = Electrical problems, no fire
15 = Spillage of vehicle fluids
16 = Lines down and/or arcing (power or phone)
17 = Assist ambulance with lifting, public assists, etc.
18 = Misc non fires (CO, gas odor, etc.)
19 = Weather watches

The Last 10 Alarms List:
Date Time Location Type/Description Officers


25-002 11 1/2 1728 4,000 block of S Morrish Rd, Swartz Creek Dispatched for the smell of smoke inside the building. C2 and E12 respoinded. Investigation found the power off in the building and the clerk waiting outside. Power was turned back on to investigate and a fiat odor was found coming from utility room and shuttered car wash. Crews completed several 360’s and checked the attic area with a TIC. All systems seemed to be operating normally. Assist Chief Tabit, (C,R) 6 7 B
25-003 11 1/2 2042 4,000 block of S Morrish Rd, Swartz Creek Dispatched back to the to the above location for the possible smell of smoke in and around the building. E12 responded. E12's crew located a heater that was turned off and after the heater had cooled, the odor was also no longer noted.  Lieut Fornari, (C,R) 10 4 B
25-004 2 1/8 0641 8,000 block of Apple Blossom Ln, Flushing. Dispatched AMA to Flushing for a residential structure E21 and E12 responded. Upon arrival E21 stagged and then was released, E12
was canceled by IC.
Sgt Adams (C,R) 5 2 B
25-005 12 1/11 1843 9,000 block of Calkins Rd, Clayton Twp Dispatched for a residential fire alarm. E21, E12 and T23 responded. While enroute 911 advised of a cancel. Crews verified false alarm and returned to the station. Sgt Diekman (C,R) 9 4 B
25-006 1 1/12 1859 Swartz Creek Estates, Swartz Creek Dispatched with AMA from Flushing and Gaines for a reported residential structure fire. C1, C2, E12 & E21 responded. Dispatch information indicated the outside power meter was on fire but appeared to be out, but was still smoking. AMA units were held at the station. Upon arrival it was confirmed there was no fire, E12 continued no emergency.  Main power was turned off to the structure and Consumers was requested. .E12 stood by until consumers arrived. Chief Plumb (C,R) 8 9 B
25-007 18 1/13 0600 5,000 block of Don Shenk, Swartz Creek  Dispatched to the report of a Carbon Monoxide alarm at the residence.E12 responded. Crews made contact with the homeowner who stated her Carbon Monoxide alarm was alerting in the kitchen and she evacuated and called 911. E12's crew entered the residence with the Carbon Monoxide detector and found "zero" readings through ought the entire residence. Detector was found to have a low battery and the homeowner was advised to replace them, Lieut Fornari (C,R) 3 1 1
25-008 11 1/14 1625 9,000 block of Miller Rd, Clayton Twp Pending Lieut Tabit (C,R) 7 2 B
25-009 5 1/14 2020 5,000 block of Ameno, Mundy Twp Responded on a 2nd alarm in Mundy Township for a residential structure fire. E12 and T23 responded. Upon arrival E-12's crew stretched a line through the front door to conduct a fire attack in the front living room and pushed into the garage to extinguish the fire. After the fire was out E-12's crew conducted overhaul of the structure. Tanker 23 assistted with water supply for Mundy until released from Mundy IC Sgt Herr (R) 9 4 B
25-010 16 1/17 1647 2,000 block of Elms Rd, Swartz Creek Dispatched for Wires down across road. Engine 21 went in route with 4. Upon arriving on scene found a communication line down across Aldridge road. Assigned FF King the hot stick to verify communication wire was not live. After verifying the wire was attached to a house and was not live Sgt Diekman proceeded to drag the line back to the pole. Told the home owner to leave it be as the internet provider may be able to reuse some of the wire. Cleared the scene. Sgt Diekman (C,R) 8 2 2
25-011 1 1/18 1746 10,000 block of Lennon Rd, Clayton Twp. Dispatched with AMA from Flushing and Gaines on a report of a detached garage fire. C1, C2, E21, T23, E12, E22, E11 along with AMA units responded. On arrival found light smoke showing from the road. E21 took the drive and stretched a 1 3/4 line to the back of the garage where light fire was showing. Crewa pulled soffits and knock down the the exterior fire before repositioning the line interior to check for extensions. Crews began extensive overhaul to confirm extinguishment. Assist Chief Tabit (C)
Chief Plumb (R)
9 6 B
25-012 2 1/18 2115 5,000 block of Conestoga, Flushing Rd Dispatched on automatic mutual aid to Flushing for a residential structure fire. E21 & C1 responded While enroute, Flushing IC canceled all AMA units. Sgt Diekman (R) 5 2 B

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2005 through 2025 Alarm Comparison By Month & Year


'05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20  '21 '22 '23 Total for Month 2024 Running Total for  2024  Total for the month 2025 Running Total for 2025 Difference
year by
January 13 11 10 13 13 10 14 12 17 22 7 11 13 14 14 16  16 21 12 14 14 11 11 -3/-3
February 8 23 19 13 7 11 8 11 11 12 19 15 13 11 12 10 10 18 13 20 34      
March 12 26 17 12 19 16 7 14 17 12 14 8 27 12 5 14 21 14 18 12 46      
April 29 14 24 21 18 11 15 15 11 23 19 14 14 16 9 10 19 15 16 19 65      
May 17 18 28 18 17 14 13 21 19 14 21 8 17 23 23 12 15 22 20 16 81      
June 25 19 19 21 17 13 16 19 13 19 18 27 11 13 17 28 22 24 28 22 103      
July 23 20 25 16 20 18 16 26 12 19 17 15 15 22 24 18 21 15 24 17 120      
August 16 15 24 7 11 21 8 16 14 12 15 14 14 15 14 25 23 18 22 17 137      
September 13 17 17 10 8 17 11 12 16 8 9 14 12 19 15  11 20 22  12 19 156      
October 18 21 16 18 14 19 19 18 19 12 11 21 12 19 21 22 28 13 17 22 178      
November 18 18 15 16 14 17 13 16 26 14 16 18 15 6 16 23 18 26 20 19 197      
December 14 11 14 26 14 12 10 15 30 21 11 11 15 12 23 10 23 20 18 13 210      
Total 206 213 228 191 172 179 150 194 205 188 177 6 177 177 193 199 244 228 220          

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2005 Through 2024 Statistics By Category


'05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 '24
1. Structure (or dispatched as) Fires (in our fire district); Received Automatic Mutual Aid (AMA) 21 16 13 23 21 21 4 12 17 15 16 16 14 23 13 12 16 17 16 12
2. AMA's given to the Flushing Fire Dept (started 5/10/99) 19 35 33 29 26 21 18 18 33 13 21 16 21 15 15 26 29 19 24 24
3. AMA's given to Gaines Township Fire Dept (started 11/13/99) 11 9 12 9 11 13 10 12 9 10 6 5 3 7 8 5 11 14 6 6
4. AMA's given to Venice Township Fire Dept (started 03/11/02) 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
5. Mutual Aid responses not involving AMA 21 11 18 14 21 23 22 18 14 21 16 7 10 27 17 23 16 21 23 14
6. Vehicle fires & those out on arrival 10 14 12 7 4 11 7 8 3 7 5 8 13 6 5 5 5 5 8 8
7. Vehicle fires (false; steam/unfounded) 9 4 6 4 2 5 2 8 5 5 3 9 5 6 8 7 1 4 3 8
8. Misc. minor fires 6 2 7 4 5 2 5 10 4 5 9 6 5 2 4 2 1 11 3 3
9. Grass and/or brush fires 17 14 17 17 14 11 4 11 9 13 9 12 9 8 4 7 7 9 5 3
10. Open burns (permit/authorized & unauthorized/unattended) 12 9 18 10 9 9 3 11 11 13 8 7 14 10 7 15 14 10 9 6
11. Smoke investigations/smoke scares 4 4 9 4 11 10 10 8 7 7 6 9 4 5 4 6 5 6 5 6
12. Fire alarms (false, unfounded or burnt food) 24 21 23 12 6 17 13 16 15 28 19 33 23 29 36 31 45 45 35 33
13. Vehicle extrications & entrapments 12 7 3 5 3 4 4 4 12 9 5 5 3 6 7 5 3 8 8 5
14. Electrical problems, no fire 2 1 1 2 1 0 2 3 0 3 4 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 0 1
15. Spillage of vehicle fluids 11 12 17 10 5 1 3 5 10 1 4 4 10 2 20 2 2 0 4 5
16. Lines down and/or arcing
(power and/or phone)
6 15 12 18 18 14 19 26 34 6 21 18 18 14 4 16 29 13 14 26
17. Assist ambulance with lifting, public assist & etc. 3 6 2 2 6 4 3 2 3 7 1 0 2 9 30 4 29 6 4 4
18. Misc. non fires (CO, gas odor, unfounded, etc. or situations that don't catalog above) 17 30 20 15 9 11 17 22 15 20 22 19 20 11 2 30 28 32 47 42
19. Weather watches 1 1 3 5 0 0 3 0 4 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 1 2 0
ALARMS TOTALS 206 213 228 191 172 179 150 195 205 188 177 176 177 182 193 199 244 228 220 210

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